How to Download and Save the eFPS BF1702-SupplementalForm-page1


The eFPS BF1702-SupplementalForm–page1 is to be used when you have more than nine (9) registered activities during the taxable period using the BIR Form No 1702 November 2011 ENCS version. Some items in the Supplemental Form were protected from user changes to ensure that the data entered into the template of the actual Supplemental Form can be converted into readable format.

Please download the appropriate Supplemental Form (see link below) and follow the Steps/Instructions. Submission of attachments for online BIR Form No 1702 in eFPS will not allow declaration of two (2) Method of Deduction. Otherwise, the online BIR Form No 1702 will reject the inappropriate attachments upon submission.

a.    For Allowable Itemized Deduction (AID), Click:


b.    For Optional Standard Deduction (OSD), Click:


System Requirements:

The downloadable Supplemental Forms are created using MSOffice’ Excel. You must have the said program installed in your computer.


1)        Download the appropriate Supplemental Form, please refer to above link/s.

2)        Save the downloaded Supplemental Form in one folder on your desktop.

3)        Open the saved Supplemental Form and fill-up the necessary columns/fields.

4)        Save the accomplished Supplemental Form using a separate file name observing strictly the File Naming Convention specified below:

For Allowable Itemized Deduction (AID);






123456789    is the TIN      

000                 is the Branch Code

12312011      is the Return Period

1702               is the Form No

SFAID                        is the Attachment Code

                        001                 is the Series for each attachment file (from 001 to 999). One Supplemental Form accommodates six (6) registered activities. For more than six (6) registered activities, fill up another Supplemental Form and take note of the attachment Series when saving and naming the attachment file.


For Optional Standard Deduction (OSD);


Example: 123456789000123120111702SFOSD001



123456789    is the TIN      

000                 is the Branch Code

12312011      is the Return Period

1702               is the Form No

SFOSD          is the Attachment Code

                        001                 is the Series for each attachment (from 001 to 999). One Supplemental Form accommodates six (6) registered activities. For more than six (6) registered activities, fill up another Supplemental Form and take note of the attachment Series when saving and naming the attachment file.


5)        When you are done offline;

5.1)     Consolidate the amounts for EXEMPT, SPECIAL, REGULAR from the accomplished Supplemental Forms. The accumulated amount per Tax Regime should be encoded into the following columns/fields: TOTAL EXEMPT, TOTAL SPECIAL, TOTAL REGULAR of the Online Supplemental Form for BIR Form No. 1702 - Page 2 under Section 2 (Computation of Tax per Activity).


5.2)     Login to eFPS and complete the filling-up of the applicable items of the online BIR Form No 1702. The filled-up/accomplished Supplemental Forms with the above prescribed File Naming Convention, see examples hereunder, shall each be attached to the online BIR Form No 1702 upon submission in eFPS: 


For Allowable Itemized Deduction (AID);









For Optional Standard Deduction (OSD);









If you are declaring AID as the Method of Deduction then, all the attachments should be prepared using BF1702-SupplementalForm–page1–AID.xls and each of this attachment file carries the Attachment Code of SFAID.


If you are declaring OSD as the Method of Deduction then, all the attachments should be prepared using BF1702-SupplementalForm–page1–OSD.xls and each of this attachment file carries the Attachment Code of SFOSD.


Failure to comply, the inappropriate Supplemental Form/s shall be rejected.